- 1 cup glutinous rice (malagkit)
- 2 cups ordinary rice
- 3 cups ordinary rice
- 3 cups cold water
- 1 cup boiling water
- 1 cup white sugar
- 2 tsps.lye solution
- Yellow food coloring
- Grated coconut
Cooking Instructions:
- Combine the malagkit and ordinary rice. Soak in water for 2 hours.
- Drain the rice and add cold water, grind into a smooth paste.
- Add boiling water to the mixture to thicken it.
- Blend in the sugar and the lye solution.
- Divide the ground rice into 2 portions.
- Place one portions in a molder lined with cheese cloth and steam.
- Meanwhile, add yellow food color to the remaining portion. Pour this on top the steamed first portion to create a colored layer. Steam some more until the top portion is cooked.
- When cooked, serve with grated coconut.